US Facing Back-To-School Supply Shortage

omni 20+ connected to laptop

As the school year begins, both virtually and in-person, many schools are facing a severe shortage of laptops and other equipment needed for online learning.

According to an AP investigation the world’s three biggest computer companies, Lenovo, HP, and Dell, have told U.S. School districts that they have a shortage of nearly 5 million laptops, partly due to supply chain disruptions and sanctions on China. Many now fear that the shortfall and delays of up to several months could exacerbate inequities in the classroom.

Many schools are needing to rely more on older laptops who’s aging batteries are severely underperforming. Check out the latest Omnicharge products and see how you can extend the battery life for students and faculty, making it easier for them to stay distanced at school, or work from home. The Omnicharge Omni 20+ provides a versatile solution with enough power to charge the most common laptops.

You can read more about the laptop shortage over at AP